It tastes like home...
Polyurethane resin, polymer paint, varnish, polymer clay, ceramic dishes, snail shell, plastic bread tags, cicada, fly, moth, bark, peg, leaves, gecko
60 x 60 cm approx.
Commissioned by Boroondara Arts as part of the ‘DISH’ exhibition at Town Hall Gallery 7th February - 27th April 2024
Image credit: Installation view of ‘DISH’ at Town Hall Gallery, February 2024. Photography by Christian Capurro.
The cabbage moths in my garden. The splash of bird shit on my windscreen. The quick snack of sakatas and cheese when I come home from work, before I walk the dog. The sun bleached peg and some dried up weeds I pulled out from the backyard. The mid-week dinner of steamed dumplings from the freezer. The bread tags that gather on my kitchen bench and sometimes fall on the floor. The fucking flies everywhere. All these things taste like home.