Notfair 2021
20th - 30th May

SPLAT PACK #1 (2020 meal set), 2020
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, wood, chewing gum

SPLAT PACK #2 (my insides), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint

SPLAT PACK #3 (771 bus route), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, bus ticket, cigarette butt

SPLAT PACK #4 (Italian snack pack), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, polymer clay, toothpick, knife

SPLAT PACK #5 (dagashi), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, paddle pop stick, dagashi

SPLAT PACK #6 (futile snack), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, chopsticks, gouache tube, dagashi

SPLAT PACK #7 (after school snack), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, silicone, polymer clay, rubber stamp, nuttelex packet, mee goreng packet

SPLAT PACK #8 (eggs), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, resin, polymer clay, quail egg, crayons

SPLAT PACK #9 (toast and tea for breakfast before picking the caterpillars off my plants), 2021
Ceramic, polyurethane resin, polymer paint, polymer clay, soil, gouache tubes, tea bag, dead fly, fork